What if you knew what works for you before you jumped into a new career path?

As we start to focus on our greatest potential
we experience flow, rapid learning, glimpses of excellence and find work that is meaningful to us.

What if you knew what works for you before you jumped into a new career path?

When we start to focus on our greatest potential we experience flow, rapid learning, glimpses of excellence and find what is meaningful to us.

This is what Happens when you start to focus on your Success:

This is what Happens when you start to focus on your Success:

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When people have the opportunity to use their strengths they are six times more likely to do the things they excel in every day.

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Are more fully engaged in what they do. Engagement here means to be  more involved, enthusiastic and committed in what they do.

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Are three times more inclined to have a greater quality of life.

“Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong. . . . And yet, a person can perform only from strength.”

— Business luminary Peter Drucker

Those who know and invest in their strengths are:

Our talents can be defined in the way we uniquely think, feel and behave. When we tap into this knowledge and wisdom we can act with greater confidence. We can also bounce back more easily when we know our blindspots as well as what we can leverage to return to what we are great at.

Research has shown when individuals are focused on their strengths they are more hopeful and have direction for the future.

Research has shown that those who have discovered their CliftonStrengths and use it are six times more likely to be engaged in what they do and have a greater chance to do what they enjoy everyday.

Those who know and invest in their strengths are measured to be 8% more productive at what they do. Getting things done, faster and better.

“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word — excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” noted author Pearl S. Buck.

Knowing your strengths is a great starting point. No matter what roles you will find yourself in now or in the future. The intersection of your own self-awareness and the environment you find yourself in is powerful.

Leaders who focus on the key things that make them great become great at what they do and find that there is a powerful resource in the strengths of those they lead.

Gallup has defined four styles of leadership namely; Executing, Influencing, Relationship and through Strategic talents.


A history with a focus on success.

It all began when Don Clifton father of strengths psychology posed a simple question: "What would happen if we studied what was right with people versus what's wrong with people?”

Until then there was an overarching reliance and focus on ‘what was wrong with people.’ What made this approach different is that when we invest in our strengths we make our strengths more efficient. We do what we love to do more and experience flow.

Don Clifton’s question led him to study ‘what makes people successful,’ from this study they discovered that there are mainly thirty-four themes of strengths. In other words thirty-four ways people achieve success.

Launched in 1999 the CliftonStrengths assessment has been completed by more than 24,127,033 to date and is used by 90% of the Fortune 500 companies to enhance workplace culture.

What is the CliftonStrengths assessment?

The online test has 177 paired questions and takes about 45 min to complete. Immediately after taking the assessment you will be able to have a window into the areas where you find rapid learning, heightened performance and flow.

Talents are defined by the way in which we naturally think, feel and behave. Through his research, Don Clifton found that there are 34 ways people think, feel and behave to achieve success. These 34 themes can then also be divided up into four domains, namely the Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building and Strategic Thinking domains.

The CliftonStrengths assessment has been completed 24,127,033 times to date. The CliftonStrengths assessment has been completed 24,127,033 times.
